CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201111 7112  

How does wind energy work?

  • Wind spins the wind turbines which produce electricity.
  • Turbines are typically spaced out in groups, known as wind farms, in areas and regions where there are strong winds.
  • The number of turbines in a wind farm depends on a range of factors including the capacity of the turbines and the land available.
  • Each turbine has three large blades, designed to capture the wind’s energy.
  • When the blades spin, they activate an electric generator which is stored inside the nacelle, the box which sits behind the blades.
  • The electricity generated by wind turbines is then fed into a substation and the power is converted for use and transferred into the electricity grid, where it is available to homes and businesses.

How much wind is needed to generate renewable energy?

  • Turbines start operating at wind speeds of 10-15km/h and stop during very high wind speeds of about 90 km/h, to ensure safety.
  • A six megawatt (MW) wind turbine can power about 3,500 homes and reduce pollution by about 13,500 tonnes annually.
  • That's the same as removing around 4,400 cars from our roads.
  • There can be enough wind to spin the turbines when there is little to no wind on the ground.

Where are wind farms built in Australia?

  • The first wind farm was commissioned near Esperance in WA in 1987.
  • Wind farms are built across regional Australia, most commonly on farming land which is already cleared.
  • Wind farms need access to the electricity grid, so are best positioned near transmission infrastructure.
  • Clean energy makes farms more productive because it gives the farmer two incomes from the same land and makes farms more drought-proof by providing stable income during drought.
  • We work with our landowners, neighbours, and regional communities to deliver tailored benefits like expanding internet access in rural areas and improving water security.
  • Squadron Energy has five operational wind assets in Australia including Bango Wind Farm, Crudine Ridge Wind Farm and Sapphire Wind Farm in NSW and Murra Warra l Wind Farm and Murra Warra ll Wind Farm in Victoria.
  • These assets have a capacity of 1.1GW which is enough to supply more than 742,000 Australian homes with clean energy. They are currently providing clean electricity to businesses like Woolworths’ supermarkets, Nestlé Australia’s factories, Sydney Airport, Snowy Hydro and more.
CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201113 8258  

How much land is needed for a wind farm?

  • Wind farms typically occupy a small footprint of a host property, making that land more productive by producing two incomes for the farmer.
  • The extra clean energy income is vital during drought, when there are low commodity prices or problems with pests. New, all-weather roads across properties also benefit farmers.
  • Livestock graze happily with wind turbines and cropping continues around the turbines.
  • Squadron Energy currently has wind farms operating on farms used for broad acre cropping, as well as cattle and sheep enterprises.

How tall are wind turbines?

    • Turbine heights depend on the type of turbine. Dimensions change over time and newer wind turbine generators are increasing in size, due to improvements in technology.
    • Many wind turbines installed in Australia today have 200m tip heights.
    • Our projects seek approval for turbines larger than what is available at the time, to future-proof the approval for the best performing turbines.

How is a wind farm approved?

  • This depends on which state or territory the project is located in.
  • The process typically takes several years from initial site identification to approval by the relevant planning approval authority.
  • Approvals processes in all states and territories include opportunities for public input and submissions, ensuring that regulators are aware of community sentiment.
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Is wind energy the most affordable option?

  • Solar and wind continue to be the cheapest source of new build energy in Australia, as reconfirmed in the latest GenCost report from the CSIRO.
  • Renewable energy, firmed with storage and backed up by gas-powered generation, is the lowest-cost way to supply electricity to homes and businesses as Australia transitions to a net zero economy, according to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) confirmed in the 2024 Integrated System Plan.

How long do wind turbines operate?

  • Wind turbines are typically operational for about 30 years but can be extended for longer.
  • During this time, as with a car or any other large machine, there is ongoing maintenance and some parts may need replacing.

What happens when a wind farm reaches the end of its operational life?

  • Each Squadron Energy project has a decommissioning plan in place as part of its approvals.
  • Wind farms can be upgraded and their life extended, subject to discussions with landowners and further planning approvals if required, so wind farms won’t necessarily be decommissioned at the end of their 30-year life.
  • In Australia, decommissioning timeframes are set out in planning approvals, and we talk directly with landowners and take steps to give them the peace of mind they need.
  • Squadron is part of an industry working group currently looking at a framework to ensure host landowners have certainty on wind farm decommissioning, including ensuring it’s fully funded.

Do wind turbines harm birds?

  • Squadron Energy’s approach to development is to always minimise the impacts on the environment.
  • We prioritise minimising biodiversity impacts through ecological studies of birds and bats as part of project approval processes as well as avoiding sensitive vegetation and habitats.
  • During operations, we implement evidence-based management plans and monitoring to minimise impacts to bird and bat species that may be active in local areas.
  • We also help fund research in this area.
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Can wind farms be built on cultural heritage sites?

  • We work closely with First Nations communities in a respectful and culturally sensitive way, to ensure that we understand any cultural issues surrounding our projects and to protect culture for future generations.
  • The approvals process includes comprehensive environmental assessments and adherence to rigorous state and federal regulations.

Are wind turbines a bushfire risk?

  • An operational wind farm has a permanent operational team onsite, extensive all-weather access tracks, reduced fuel loads, lightning protection devices on turbines, and monitoring systems that detect temperature increase, causing them to shut down in extreme fire danger.
  • Together, these provide fire warnings and underpin our ability to rapidly respond to fire events before they escalate.
  • During bushfire events our site teams will work with local emergency services to coordinate access to fire fronts.
  • Our installed wind turbines are marked on aviation maps and can be shut down during fire events to minimise the risk to aerial firefighting.

Are wind turbines noisy?

    • Although wind turbines do make noise, they are quieter than most people expect.
    • You can have a conversation under a turbine and hold a conversation without having to raise your voice. From 500 metres away, a wind turbine makes less noise than your average refrigerator.
    • There are two noise sources: mechanical sound and aerodynamic sound.
      • Mechanical sound is the sound emitted from the nacelle, gearbox, and generator.
      • The aerodynamic sound is the swoosh of the blades as they rotate past the tower.
    • Wind turbines are subject to strict noise criteria that apply in all states where we operate, to ensure the protection of human health and residential amenity.

What benefits do wind farms bring to local communities?

  • Squadron Energy is committed to sharing the benefits of our projects through community benefits funds, sponsorships, improving local internet, community partnerships and grants.
  • We ask communities what’s best for them to ensure we are delivering community benefits that are tailored and long-lasting. For example in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone, we are partnering with Dubbo Regional Council to deliver an advanced wastewater treatment facility to provide local water security in the long-term.
  • Each of our projects also has a community sponsorship program, which provides funds or in-kind support to community organisations and events in the local project area.
  • Murra Warra farmer Susan-Findlay Tickner, who hosts multiple wind turbines on her farm, has described how local communities can benefit from a renewable project when set up correctly. Video here:

Are there local jobs involved in building wind farms?

    • To date, Squadron Energy has created 2,100 jobs during construction and operations, with about two-thirds of the construction workforce being local.
    • Squadron Energy’s current pipeline of projects will create more than 6,000 jobs during construction and operations, in addition to supporting thousands more indirect jobs.
    • These jobs significantly contribute to regional economies and create diverse employment opportunities.

What is the carbon footprint of a wind turbine?

    • A typical wind turbine repays its carbon footprint in less than six months, and it will generate pollution-free electricity for the remainder of its approximately 30-year operating life.

Who owns Squadron Energy?

    • Squadron Energy is 100% Australian owned and we are here for the long term.
    • Squadron Energy is a company in the Tattarang portfolio, which is the private investment group of Andrew and Nicola Forrest.