Written by Squadron Energy |

Twice a year, Squadron Energy’s Sapphire Wind Farm invites local community organisations to submit applications for a share of funding that can be used on equipment and infrastructure purchases, repairs and renovations, and programs and events.

As part of the funding awarded in round 1 2024, Inverell Cycle Club were awarded $9,000 for the Grafton to Inverell Finish Line Festival.

Mr Chris Thompson from the Inverell Cycle Club has thanked Squadron Energy Sapphire Wind Farm for the funding.

“The support of Sapphire Wind Farm was instrumental in attracting the Inverell community to be part of the 63rd edition of the iconic Cycling Classic and the Sapphire Wind Farm Finish Line Festival is a highlight. Thanks to the support of the Sapphire Wind Farm, the local Inverell community and visitors enjoyed a two-day festival including food, entertainment and cycling related activities.”

The Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic was held on Saturday, 27 April 2024 with the Finish Line Festival being held in Victoria Park.

Sapphire Wind Farm Operations Manager David Williamson said Squadron Energy was proud to support such a wide range of terrific organisations that are integral parts of the local community.

“Squadron Energy is always looking for ways to support our communities over the long term and bolster community ties by backing projects that promote healthy, active communities.

We were also immensely proud to support the Grafton to Inverell sporting event for the third year running this year. Major sporting events like the Grafton to Inverell bring communities together. As Australia’s leading renewable energy company, we couldn’t think of a better way to support the entire community than by backing this fantastic world class cycling event that showcases the very best of Northern New South Wales.”

Through the generous contribution made by Sapphire Wind Farm, the Inverell Cycle Club was able to provide vital infrastructure, equipment, and services to host a Finish Line Festival over two days that included a range of activities in Victoria Park and at the fantastic purpose-built Lake Inverell Off-Road Cycling Facility.

“The community and visitors experienced the atmosphere of a National Road Series cycling event on Saturday that included a multicultural food festival and a post-event celebration dinner and event highlights at a popular local venue. Sunday at Lake Inverell included family cycling activities and invited local cyclists to either enter or support the circuit racing action that featured the leading Australian domestic riders at one of the most exciting racing venues in the country,” Mr Thompson said.


Image caption: Trish McDonald, Senior Project Manager – NSW, Squadron Energy, the winner of the Stage 1 Sapphire Tour - Katelyn Nicholson along with Lillee Pollock who placed 2nd and Keely Bennett who placed third.

Round 1 fund recipients:

  • Inverell Cycle Club – Grafton to Inverell Finish Line Festival - $9,000
  • Inverell Mountain Bike Club - Funding for timing equipment, ‘come and try day’, chain saw, online advertising, signage and website - $6,000
  • Inverell Minor League – Training and Fitness Equipment - $16,243
  • Muster Up Delungra Inc - Providing resources for Delungra Community (new chairs and chair trolley for Delungra Hall - $8,591
  • Sapphire City Concert bands Inverell Incorporated – Conductor’s System (Podium and stand) - $5,722.68
  • Inverell Little Athletics – High Jump mats - $9,610.02
  • Inverell Netball Association - Resources for 2024 Season – shade tent, water bottles, umpire skirts, netballs, padded guards, bibs, rings and reflex rebounder - $4,676
  • Inverell Town and Country Club - Safety Upgrades – repair timber work on the front and rear verandas - $3,135
  • Tingha Connect - Tingha Cooperative at Tingha Markets – shade tent and banners – $3,399
  • Sapphire City Gymnastics - Upgrade of tumbling equipment - $4,575.98
  • St Augustine’s Anglican Church Inverell - Heating and Cooling for Little StArs (Installation of Split System air conditioning - $2,800
  • Inverell Community Broadcasters Inc (Sta FM) - ‘Increasing Community News and Notices for Inverell’ – Installation of a display screen in shopfront - $7,490
  • Group 19 Referee Association - Referee Support - $8,250

Round 2 of the Squadron Energy Sapphire Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund opens on 12 August, 2024.

For more information on the Sapphire Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, please visit Sapphire Wind Farm Community Fund or call Inverell Shire Council on (02) 67288 288.


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