Written by Squadron Energy |

Clarke Creek Wind Farm has provided funding to Clarke Creek School for a generator, which is providing much needed backup power supply to the school.

The generator ensures that the school can continue to meet student welfare and work health and safety requirements when there are power outages by providing running water for hydration and hygiene, and essential communication needs.

Squadron Energy Community Relations Advisor, Patrice Willoughby said Squadron is dedicated to leaving a legacy in the regions where our projects are based,

We want to make sure communities feel like we have left them in a better position than before we started the project," Ms Willoughby said.

We know that having backup power will have a huge impact on Clarke Creek School, not only in the near future but for years to come."

School kids principal and PC with generator  

Due to the school’s remote location, communication is essential at all times. By providing backup power, the students educational needs are not interrupted by power outages.

Clarke Creek School P&C President Jayne MacNicol said they were very appreciative of the support received from Squadron Energy.

Squadron’s involvement in the community allows us to make our little school greater for our kids and we look forward to fulfilling future projects with the help of Squadron," Ms MacNicol said.

Clarke Creek School used the generator in December during power outages where students, staff, parents and the school residence all benefitted.


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