Written by Squadron Energy |
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed for Squadron Energy’s proposed Dubbo Firming Power Station.
After approval from the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) the EIS has been placed on public exhibition, and the community is welcome to have their say on the project.
Dubbo Firming Power Station’s Senior Project Developer, Jeff Allen said the proposed firming power station is capable of using hydrogen, biofuels and hydrogen gas blends.
“Generation from this project will be used to firm renewable energy generation,” Mr Allen said.
“While our pipeline of wind, solar and storage projects will enable us to provide 90- 95% renewable electricity, our firming projects like the Dubbo Firming Power Station will supply the remaining 5-10%.”
The project is expected to support up to 150 construction jobs and five operational jobs. It will consist of a dual fuel 64MW power plant and up to 20MW hydrogen electrolysis plant.
For further information, please contact the Dubbo Firming Power Station project team on 0427 171 985, or at info@dubbofirmingpowerstation.com.au.
The EIS can be found on the NSW Government Major Projects website.