Written by Squadron Energy |

Government assessment of Spicers Creek Wind Farm is now complete following public exhibition of the EIS in July - August 2023, and completion of the Submissions Report in November 2023.

In another key milestone for the wind farm, the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) has today referred the project to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) for determination.

The Chair of the IPC will appoint a panel, which usually includes one to three Commissioners, that will:

  • hold targeted meetings with DPHI, local councils, Squadron Energy and other stakeholders as appropriate
  • hold a public meeting where the public can address the Commission
  • receive and consider written public submissions
  • make a determination to approve or refuse the project based on legislation and policy
  • publish a Statement of Reasons explaining the decision.

More information is available on the IPC website.

DPHI’s Assessment Report and recommendation can be viewed on the Major Projects Planning Portal.


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