Written by Squadron Energy |
The local community came together on Wednesday 19 June to officially open Squadron Energy’s new office in Wellington NSW, further strengthening Squadron Energy’s commitment to the NSW Central West Orana Region.
Along with representatives from across the Wellington community, Dubbo Regional Council Mayor Matthew Dickerson and Deputy Mayor Richard Ivey joined Squadron Energy Chairman Jason Willoughby to officially open the doors to Squadron Energy’s local hub in the region.
“We’re incredibly proud to establish a local office here in Wellington,” Squadron Energy’s Chairman Jason Willoughby of Wednesday’s opening.
“Squadron Energy is deeply committed to building and maintaining relationships with the local community, and we know that a part of being a good neighbour is ensuring we have a local presence where members of the community can connect directly with our team.”
“This office will serve as an important meeting place to ensure we keep an open dialogue with the wider community, particularly as construction continues at Uungula Wind Farm.”
Squadron Energy’s Uungula Wind Farm is located 14km east of Wellington on Wiradjuri Country.
With a generation capacity of around 414 MW, once complete, the 69 turbine wind farm will generate enough electricity to power more than 220,000 homes and prevent more than 560,000 tonnes of carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere annually.
The project will support 262 jobs during construction 250 construction jobs as well as 12 ongoing roles.
During construction the project is expected to inject around $41 million into the regional economy.
The local community will benefit from a voluntary planning agreement with Dubbo Regional Council which include contributions to Council infrastructure plans, a community benefit fund and contributions to maintaining the local road network.