If you're passionate about sustainability and have a desire to make real and lasting change, join us at Squadron and contribute to shaping a better future for all Australians.
Written by Squadron Energy |
Wind energy has come a long way in Australia since operations began at the first commercial wind farm in 1987.
In the past decade, wind energy has become a major player in the country’s energy mix, accounting for around one tenth of Australia’s electricity generation.
As Australia strives to meet its energy emissions targets, it is clear that wind energy – now the cheapest and most mature renewable energy technology – will play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.
Enormous scale and speed are needed to step Australia beyond fossil fuels and meet our climate emissions reduction targets. At Squadron Energy, we’re up for the challenge.
We’re expecting to deliver around 30 per cent of the NEM’s renewable energy generation requirements to 2030 under AEMO’s step change scenario in the latest ISP.
Leading the change
We have five operational wind farms, 19 wind farms in the pipeline, and 12 power purchase agreements already in place.
Our portfolio includes Sapphire Wind Farm, the largest operational wind farm in NSW, which has helped the ACT Government meet its target of 100 percent renewables in 2020 by providing a long term PPA.
It also includes Clarke Creek Wind Farm in Central Queensland, the biggest grid connected renewable energy project underway in Australia.
And it includes Australia’s first LNG import terminal in Port Kembla, NSW, which is currently under construction and will act as back-up generation and firm our renewable pipeline when it’s completed.
To deliver 30 per cent of the NEM’s renewable requirements in under a decade we’re targeting delivery of the equivalent of 12 wind turbines a month.
Join us
As the wind energy industry grows and develops, the need for a big workforce of experienced and motivated professionals has never been greater.
With a vast array of projects in the pipeline, now is the time for individuals to join the industry and make a difference in shaping Australia’s energy future.
At Squadron Energy, we recognise the importance of investing in people to drive the energy transition forward.
We want to set the bar high in renewables development, and building a sustainable industry with high quality jobs is a core goal.
Our workforce is our greatest asset, and we’re committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment that values diversity and promotes professional growth and development.
The challenges facing Australia’s energy transition are significant, but we firmly believe that we can meet them head-on with a strong, motivated and committed workforce.
We encourage individuals who are passionate about sustainability and have a desire to make real and lasting change to join us at Squadron and contribute to shaping a better future for all Australians. Check out our current opportunities on our Careers page.
We’re confident that together, we can lead Australia’s energy transition and improve the environment for current and future generations.
Visit our renewable energy news page for the latest updates.