Port Kembla Energy Terminal, NSW

Port Kembla Energy Terminal is located on Dharawal land, in Port Kembla’s Inner Harbour. The terminal will have the capacity to supply 500TJ a day - enough to meet nearly all of NSW’s gas needs on a peak day. The new terminal will support domestic gas supply as we transition to renewable energy.

Key Project Info

Project status


Expected capacity

130PJ annually


How will Port Kembla Energy Terminal work?

Our Port Kembla Energy Terminal will secure gas for NSW and Victoria, meeting forecast shortfalls and avoiding shortages and price spikes for Australian businesses and households. But how does it work?

Learn more in our explainer.

Providing a firming energy solution, right here in Port Kembla.

Squadron Energy’s Port Kembla Energy Terminal (PKET) - Australia’s first LNG import terminal - is the only solution capable of resolving Australia’s looming domestic gas shortage by guaranteeing supply.

PKET will unlock access to global LNG supplies, allowing NSW and Victoria to secure cheaper gas during northern hemisphere summers when prices are low. This increased supply will help stabilise prices and ensure reliable energy during Australia’s winter peaks, which means that households and businesses can have a reliable and affordable source of gas.

The terminal will meet forecast gas supply needs in the coming years, without the need for new gas fields in Australia, which would be a source of emissions for decades to come.

Project Timeline

Step 1/13

Project identification and site selection

Identification and site selection is based on an analysis of opportunities and constraints. Our team then begins community consultation.

Current Stage

Step 2/13

Project feasibility and community engagement

Site-specific investigations are undertaken to assess the impacts and opportunities of the project and feedback is sought from the local community.

Current Stage
160m Mast

Step 3/13

Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement

A Development Application is made and an EIS prepared which involves a wide range of studies to address stakeholder feedback received to date and to consider the potential environmental and social impacts of the project.

Current Stage
Pexels pixabay 357514

Step 4/13

Public exhibition and Submissions Report

The EIS is placed on public exhibition through the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. Interested members of the public are invited to have their say during the exhibition period by way of formal submissions. A Submissions Report is then prepared, which aims to respond to the submissions received.

Current Stage
IMG 80711

Step 5/13

Assessment and development consent

The project documents are assessed by the relevant government authorities. If determined, Development Consent is granted alongside a range of conditions specific to the project.

Current Stage
SQE Office 12 C

Step 6/13

Post approval, contracting and financing

A lead contractor(s) to build the project is appointed and all pre-construction approvals and consents are finalised. During this phase, the lead contractor(s) is provided with a list of local businesses that have registered their interest and capabilities through the project website.

Current Stage
SQE Office 3 C

Step 7/13


During this phase our lead contractor(s) engages contractors and suppliers to undertake the scope of the works. Orders are then placed for major components.

Current Stage
I Stock 479431970 TL

Step 8/13

Early works and design

Initial site activities start. Off-site detailed design commences in parallel.

Current Stage
BWF 02 IMG Early work 191016 3

Step 9/13

Construction - civil works

During this phase of construction, the majority of the civil works takes place. The community is kept informed about temporary impacts during the construction phase.

Current Stage
Step 9

Step 10/13

Construction - mechanical and electrical completion

During this phase, the major equipment packages are delivered to site. Electrical cabling, buildings and amenities are then installed and major equipment connections are made to complete construction.

Current Stage
CRWF 02 IMG Site office 201125 JOW 5 TL

Step 11/13

Commissioning & handover

Electricity and other external service connections are completed and then equipment undergoes performance testing. During this stage, the project will come to life with equipment starting up for short periods of time, until the commissioning team is satisfied with the performance and operational safety. Operators will be trained during commissioning before commencing operations.

Current Stage
20231113 Bango Wind Farm 123

Step 12/13


The project is operated in accordance with relevant approval conditions and management plans. Compliance with conditions of approval and management plans is monitored as required throughout the life of the project.

Current Stage
SWF 03 Sapphire Wind Farm landscape 230724 12

Step 13/13


At the end of the project’s useful life, the asset and electrical equipment will be either replaced or the project will be decommissioned. The site will then be returned to its original use or re-purposed for other development.

Current Stage
20231113 i Phone Bango Wind Farm 72


The wellbeing of the community is a core component of our work. Our approach to engaging with the local community is both genuine and lasting. As part of this commitment, over the last six months we have sponsored community initiatives such as the University of Wollongong's Global Leadership (GoLead) internship program, International Women's Day Illawarra, UCI Wollongong 2022 Community Ride and the Mission to Seafarers Port Kembla bus.

Squadron Energy is new to the Illawarra region, and we recognise that each community is different. We aim to tailor benefits at each firming project and make positive lasting contribution to the Illawarra. We look forward to launching a community grant and sponsorship program for Port Kembla in 2023.

Web community image UCI  

Publicly Available Documents

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Plans, Strategies & Programs

Monitoring Audit & Compliance


About Squadron Energy

Squadron Energy is Australia’s leading renewable energy company that develops, operates and owns renewable energy assets in Australia. We are 100% Australian owned and have 1.1 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy in operation and 900MW under construction. With proven experience and expertise across the project lifecycle, we work with local communities and our customers to lead the transition to Australia’s clean energy future.


Energy Terminal 24 hour community hotline for complaints and enquiries:

Tel: 1800 789 177


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